Monday, February 20, 2012

Class Dojo


* keep a record of work completed
* reward kids for being safe, respectful, good learners
* positive behaviours and negative behaviours
* only use what suits your class's purpose
* select your own criteria-set your won rewards

ClassDojo- a review which outlines steps to setup

I am currently using Class Dojo for all of my library classes.  I use 7 positive behaviour criteria for classes from year 1-6 and 6 for kindies.

You can add points as you move around the room with your iPhone/ smartphone and your iPad.

Click on this link for  help with Class Dojo 

There is plenty of support and the set up is very intuitive.
To gain the ability to change avatars you can either pay $3 or invite a friend to checkout #ClassDojo! So easy...spread the word.
 It allowed me to upload other avatars which the kids can choose from when they earn a reward.

The specific features that qualify Class Dojo to be a “teacher-approved-technology” from 

Class Dojo Full Report include:

1. Flexibility (Allows me to decide criteria, point value, and rewards)
This program is teacher-centerd and therefore has greater flexibility to allow teachers to customize the reasons and incentive structure for each class. It allows me to not only decide the criteria and point value of rewards, but also add notes (not seen by students) at any point in time, which is particularly helpful when trying to keep track of follow-up to a particular event.
2. Mobility (allows me to be where I need to be, with my students and not at my keyboard)
What I particularly love about Class Dojo is the fact that I can control it with my iphone! No longer will I be forced to choose between standing near my keyboard or using a paper seating chart to record points that will have to deciphered, entered and analyzed at the end of the week!  This application allows me to be where I need to be-with my students, and frees me from being trapped at my keyboard.
3. Parent Feedback (enables me to tell each parent how their child did in class that day, and everyday)
Our circumstances often make it difficult for us to provide parents with as much feedback as we would like to. Class Dojo, however, is set up so that parents can access their child’s data and see how they performed in class each day.  Now I will be able to tell each parent how their child did in class that day and everyday.
4. Analytics
On a Friday afternoon, the last thing I want to do is enter student performance data into an excel spreadsheet and then use that data to update my grade book’s record of each student’s performance.
For more details go to 

Class Dojo Full Report

** EXCITING ADDITIONAL BENEFIT of using ClassDojo In schools the kindy kids are more readily recognising their names because of it!

Smartphone Connection:
Connect the ClassDojo classroom remote control by visiting the following website on your smartphone:
You will need to log-in using your log-in details:
Email: your email address
Password: Your password

If you're using an iPhone, follow the instructions on your screen to add ClassDojo to your homescreen.


  1. Hi Kalen from ClassDojo here. Thanks for the great blog post Audrey!

    If anyone who comes across this post has any questions or needs help getting setup, please don't hesitate to reach out! -

    Thanks :)

  2. I will Kalen. I just found your prezi's to help teachers!! They are great :) I will add them to an update post on Class Dojo :)
