"WPClipart is a fast, clean and safe site for children and others to find good-quality, printable images that have no copyright restrictions."
"PNG was chosen as the default format because it is lossless but compressed -- meaning it is of higher quality than JPG. " Not all images are in colour and some images are of a poorer quality.
Block Posters enables users to upload their images and then enlarge them.
By printing each block of the image as an A4 size, users can print images with lots or just a few blocks to create small, large or enormous photos for display.
If you would like a very brief, but most entertaining, history of the world watch this regional award winning video-Behold! The entire history of the world in under 7mins!
"Twiddla calls itself a web-based meeting playground. Not only is it a fun way to swap ideas about a website or image, it’s incredibly useful as well."
—webworkerdaily.com Browse websites in a shared, real-time whiteboard, while marking them up, sharing files, and chatting along. It's called co-browsing; all the cool kids are doing it.